Learn & Grow Together!

Subscribe to Club Woodsy Wild!

Are you looking to start an outdoor nature club in your school, church, or neighborhood?  Woodsy Wild offers an exciting nature curriculum that can be used to lead weekly small-group adventures, similar to after-school scouting group format of years past.  Woodsy Wild offers a scientist-designed/Creation-focused curriculum that helps children build nature science skills AND confidence in their faith.

Club Woodsy Wild provides exciting new material each month including:

  • 4 nature science lessons with Creation applications for 8 participants
  • Required tools and supply checklist
  • Skill-building tracker for each member
  • Entry into Official Creature Seeker Credentials & Badge earner system

Support healthy outdoor learning, build science skills alongside faith, and encourage neighborhood/group camaraderie.  Join today!

From $40/month


Official Creature Seeker Credentials

Explorers that have completed ALL activities in the

Woodsy Wild Creature Seeker Guidebook are invited to record their accomplishments and join the mission.

Once submitted, explorers will receive Official Creature Seeker Credentials.

Submit completed Actions

Our Core Values

At Woodsy Wild, we are committed to nurturing the hearts and minds of young adventurers. Our core values of faith, sound science, and nature guide us in providing a safe, exciting, and enriching environment where children can discover the wonders of the outdoors, grow in their relationships with God, and build lifelong friendships with fellow club members.

Scientifically Sound

Grounded in Scripture

Forest Friendly & Sustainable

Healthy for Mind and Body

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